Saturday, March 9, 2013's what's for dinner. At least tonight anyway.

When it comes to BBQ's with friends, nothing beats beef. Especially rib eyes. Rib eyes come from the rib section of the cow. It's the top of the cow, near the front. It is very tender and quite tasty. Because it is a choice cut of beef, it is also a little pricy. It is my favorite cut of steak.
Unfortunately, not everyone reverences Ribeyes like I do, so I've decided that there should be some rules in regards to attending a party where such bovine beauties are broiled.
1. Medium Rare should be expected. Don't even ask for medium. Well done is a complete sin, and should be handled in much the same way as that chick from the Scarlet Letter was dealt with. I can imagine people walking around with GIANT red WDs sewn on their clothes. The thought makes me happy.

2. Never, under any circumstances, should one ask for Steak sauce. It is an offense to the cook and disrespectful to the cow. Any good piece of meat will stand up on its own without the help of Lea or Perrin, definitely doesn't need A1. Soy Sauce is also a travesty, unless you're doing Korean BBQ, but that's a different post all together.

3. Don't give young kids a steak. Chances are, they would rather have a hotdog. Indulge them. I have seen too many mommies (Dad's would never waste a perfectly good rib-eye on someone who's more excited about the soda selection then the beef) give their little darlings a delectable delicacy, only to find that if it has been eaten on, half of it gets thrown away. This should be against the law. All offending parties should be thrown out of society, and be caused to live a hermits life. If giving a child steak is unavoidable, cut a portion of steak I to pieces so that you can control the amount that they get. Also children should get the smallest, most over cooked steak available. Never give a small child an adults steak. It's bad form.

4. Ask before making a take away plate with such beefy goodness. Most likely they won't care, but just because you didn't pay for the meat, doesn't mean that someone else didn't. It's the polite society thing to do, and you may not lose your hand.

5. Finally, help clean up. I know that the men will all be out hanging by the grill, and the ladies will be in chatting about whether they prefer to shave or wax their legs and armpits, but at the end of the night, there will be dishes to do. The kitchen will be a mess. Dinner parties are a communal experience. So should doing the dishes. Help clean up, and you might be invited back. Leave without lifting a finger, and you will be left out next time large amounts of strip loin cooked.

There you have it. Rules to live by when attending a BBQ party. Live these and eat well. Until next time, keep practicing your tournés.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry I did not read this before we came over, I got 4 out of the 5 rules correct. Thanks for some good food and I wll follow all the rules next time. (If there is a next time)
